Your privacy and security questions answered.

Your privacy is important.

We take your privacy very seriously. We use the latest technology to help keep your data private and safe. When you provide personal information, your name and other direct identifiers will be removed and replaced with a unique code.

If you decide to give All of Us a sample, we will take great care to protect your identity and store your DNA securely. Here are some of the ways we do that:

  • When we collect your sample, we label it with a special code of numbers and letters. We do not put any personal information on your label, like your name or where you live.
  • We store your samples and any DNA we get from your samples at our biobank. A biobank is a secure, high-tech lab. Our biobank is at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn.
  • We add the DNA data from your samples to a secure database at our Data and Research Center (DRC). The DRC is at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tenn.
  • When we add your DNA data to our scientific database, that data does not include your name or any other information that can directly identify you.